
Reproducible research using Emacs org-mode

Via the Irreal blog I learned of professor John Kitchin’s excellent usage of Emacs, org-mode and Python to create reproducible research and books.

A good definition of reproducible research is:

“I have in the last couple of years fallen in love with org-mode and in particular with ‘reproducible research’, or living documents; the ability to have executable sections of code for generating results, which can then themselves be further analyzed by other bits of code — in other languages, if that’s appropriate – and the whole exported as a document typeset to what I consider to be high-quality standards. The fact that there is also acceptable-quality web output from the exact same process is gravy.”

Christophe Rhodes

Here are links to professor Kitchin’s material on using Emacs + org-mode + Python for reproducible research:

I’ll be studying his books’ source.

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