
Type Level Computation in Haskell via GADTs

Issue 22 (pdf) of The Monad Reader contains a hands-on tutorial of GADTs in Haskell by Anton Dergunov. For me, besides GADTS, it was an introduction to type-level computation (aka type arithmetic).

What follows is a compressed summary of the info in that article. The page numbers refer to Anton’s tutorial.


  • The info below is 3rd-hand info, go to Anton’s article for 1st and 2nd-hand info and follow his references for 1st-hand info.

  • The code extracted from below is at GitHub: gadt.hs.

Intro (p. 5)

Generalized Algebraic Data Types (GADTs) generalize algebraic data types by enabling value constructors to return specific types (return type must be instance of more general type being defined).


  • DSLs

  • generic programming

  • ensuring correctness.

Theoretical foundation for GADTs is dependent types.


{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ExistentialQuantification, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}

import Data.Char
import Debug.Trace

debug = flip trace

Example Algebraic Data Type (ADT):

  • Test : type constructor

  • TI / TS : value constructors

    • each value constructor can specify zero or more components


data Test a = TI Int | TS String a


:t TI
-- TI :: Int -> Test a

:t TI 10
-- TI 10 :: Test a

:t TS
-- TS :: String -> a -> Test a

:t TS "test" 'c'
-- TS "test" 'c' :: Test Char

Equivalent version using GADT syntax (p. 7):

data Test' a where
  TI' :: Int         -> Test' a
  TS' :: String -> a -> Test' a

GADT version that specifies return type:

data Test'' a where
  TI'' :: Int         -> Test'' Int  -- locks down return type HERE
  TS'' :: String -> a -> Test'' a

:t TI''
-- TI'' :: Int -> Test'' Int
:t TI'' 10
-- TI'' 10 :: Test'' Int

-- TS'' same as TS
:t TS'' "foo" 'c'
-- TS'' "foo" 'c' :: Test'' Char

Key GADT feature: pattern matching causes type refinement, so guaranteed Int:

f :: Test'' a -> a
f (TI'' i) = i + 10

f (TI'' 3)
-- 13

Motivating example: Expression Evaluator (p. 8)

data IntExpr' = IntVal' Int
              | AddInt' IntExpr' IntExpr'

:t AddInt' (IntVal' 5) (IntVal' 7)
-- AddInt' (IntVal' 5) (IntVal' 7) :: IntExpr'

evaluate' :: IntExpr' -> Int
evaluate' e = case e of
    IntVal' i     -> i
    AddInt' e1 e2 -> evaluate' e1 + evaluate' e2

evaluate' $ AddInt' (IntVal' 5) (IntVal' 7)
-- 12

Extend with booleans:

data ExtExpr'' = IntVal''  Int
               | BoolVal'' Bool
               | AddInt''  ExtExpr'' ExtExpr''
               | IsZero''  ExtExpr''

:t IsZero'' (BoolVal'' True)
-- IsZero'' (BoolVal'' True) :: ExtExpr''

PROBLEM: type checker accepts:

:t AddInt'' (IntVal'' 5) (BoolVal'' True)
-- AddInt'' (IntVal'' 5) (BoolVal'' True) :: ExtExpr''

Since ExtExpr’’ is NOT parameterized by return value type, evaluation function is complicated:

evaluate'' :: ExtExpr'' -> Maybe (Either Int Bool)
evaluate'' e = case e of
    AddInt'' e1 e2 -> case (evaluate'' e1, evaluate'' e2) of
                        (Just (Left i1), Just (Left  i2)) -> Just $ Left $ i1 + i2
                        (Just (Left i1), Just (Right b2)) -> error "wrong type given to AddInt''" -- dynamic type-checking
                        _                                 -> error "not implemented"
    IntVal''  i    -> Just (Left  i)
    BoolVal'' b    -> Just (Right b)
    _              -> error "not implemented"

evaluate'' $ AddInt'' (IntVal'' 5) (IntVal'' 7)
-- Just (Left 12)

evaluate'' $ AddInt'' (IntVal'' 5) (BoolVal'' True)
-- *** Exception: wrong type given to AddInt''

FIX: represent expressions with values of types parameterized by return type (p. 9):

data PhantomExpr''' t = IntVal'''  Int
                      | BoolVal''' Bool
                      | AddInt'''  (PhantomExpr''' Int) (PhantomExpr''' Int)
                      | IsZero'''  (PhantomExpr''' Int)

t above is expr return value type. Want IntVal''' 5 to be typed PhantomExpr''' Int, but:

:t IntVal''' 5
-- IntVal''' 5 :: PhantomExpr''' t

:t BoolVal''' True
-- BoolVal''' True :: PhantomExpr''' t

PROBLEM: incorrect exprs still accepted by type checker:

:t IsZero''' (BoolVal''' True)
-- IsZero''' (BoolVal''' True) :: PhantomExpr''' t

FIX (trick): wrap value constructors with functions:

intVal'''  :: Int                -> PhantomExpr''' Int
intVal'''   = IntVal'''
boolVal''' :: Bool               -> PhantomExpr''' Bool
boolVal'''  = BoolVal'''
isZero''   :: PhantomExpr''' Int -> PhantomExpr''' Bool
isZero''    = IsZero'''

Now bad exprs rejected by type checker (p. 10):

:t isZero'' (boolVal''' True)
--    Couldn't match type `Bool' with `Int'
--    Expected type: PhantomExpr''' Int
--      Actual type: PhantomExpr''' Bool
:t isZero'' (intVal''' 5)
-- isZero'' (intVal''' 5) :: PhantomExpr''' Bool

PROBLEM: Want evaluate type signature to be (p. 10):

evaluate''' :: PhantomExpr''' t -> t
evaluate''' (IntVal''' i) = i
evaluate''' _             = error "not implemented"

but get:

Couldn't match expected type `t' with actual type `Int'
  `t' is a rigid type variable bound by
      the type signature for evaluate'' :: PhantomExpr''' t -> t
      at r22.hs:150:15
In the expression: i
In an equation for evaluate'': evaluate'' (IntVal''' i) = i

because return type of value constructor IntVal‘’’ is Phantom t but t can be refined to any type:

:t IntVal''' 5 :: PhantomExpr''' Bool
-- IntVal''' 5 :: PhantomExpr''' Bool :: PhantomExpr''' Bool

Need to specify type signature of value constructors exactly (so pattern matching will cause type refinement for IntVal‘’’ here). This is exactly what GADTs do.

(Useless) GADT version (all return general type, so no type refinement):

data PhantomExpr'''' t where
    IntVal''''  :: Int                                        -> PhantomExpr'''' t
    BoolVal'''' :: Bool                                       -> PhantomExpr'''' t
    AddInt''''  :: PhantomExpr'''' Int -> PhantomExpr'''' Int -> PhantomExpr'''' t
    IsZero''''  :: PhantomExpr'''' Int                        -> PhantomExpr'''' t

FIX: Final (useful) GADT version (value constructors return specific types) (p. 11):

data Expr t where
    IntVal  :: Int                             -> Expr Int
    BoolVal :: Bool                            -> Expr Bool
    AddInt  :: Expr Int  -> Expr Int           -> Expr Int
    IsZero  :: Expr Int                        -> Expr Bool
    If      :: Expr Bool -> Expr t   -> Expr t -> Expr t

Bad exprs rejected:

:t IsZero (BoolVal True)
--    Couldn't match type `Bool' with `Int'
--    Expected type: Expr Int
--      Actual type: Expr Bool

Specific type returned by IsZero:

:t IsZero (IntVal 5)
-- IsZero (IntVal 5) :: Expr Bool

Well-defined evaluator / pattern matching causes type refinement:

evaluate :: Expr t -> t
evaluate (IntVal i)     = i                           -- right hand side has type Int
evaluate (BoolVal b)    = b                           -- right hand side has type Bool
evaluate (AddInt e1 e2) = evaluate e1 + evaluate e2   -- right hand side has type Expr Int
                                                      --       and types of e1 e2 must be Expr Int
evaluate (IsZero e)     = evaluate e == 0
evaluate (If e1 e2 e3)  = if evaluate e1 then evaluate e2 else evaluate e3

AddInt (IntVal 5) (BoolVal True)
--    Couldn't match type `Bool' with `Int'
--    Expected type: Expr Int
--      Actual type: Expr Bool

:t evaluate $ AddInt (IntVal 5) (IntVal 7)
-- evaluate $ AddInt (IntVal 5) (IntVal 7) :: Int

evaluate $ AddInt (IntVal 5) (IntVal 7)
-- 12

Generic Programming with GADTs (p. 12)

Datatype-generic : functions take types as an arg, change behavior depending on type.

Example: encode data in binary form (can be done with type classes too).

Representation type whose values represent types:

data Type t where
    TInt  :: Type Int
    TChar :: Type Char
    TList :: Type t -> Type [t]
    TDyn  :: Type Dynamic        -- not used until p. 14 in exposition

:t TInt
-- TInt :: Type Int
:t TList
-- TList :: Type t -> Type [t]
:t TList TInt
-- TList TInt :: Type [Int]

Since Haskell String is [Char], define value constructor:

tString :: Type String
tString = TList TChar

Output of encoding function is list of bits:

data Bit = F | T deriving (Eq, Show)

Encoding function (p. 13):

encode :: Type t -> t -> [Bit]
encode TInt i           = encodeInt i
encode TChar c          = encodeChar c
-- note T consed on front and F on end as separators
encode (TList _) []     = F : []
encode (TList t) (x:xs) = T : (encode t x) ++ encode (TList t) xs
encode TDyn (Dyn t v)   = encode t v                               -- not used until p. 14

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9166148/how-to-implement-decimal-to-binary-function-in-haskell :

encodeInt :: Int -> [Bit]
encodeInt 0 = [F]
encodeInt n = reverse $ helper n
    where helper 0 = []
          helper n = let (q,r) = n `divMod` 2 in (mkBit r) : helper q
          mkBit  i = if i == 1 then T else F

encodeChar :: Char -> [Bit]
encodeChar c = encodeInt $ ord c

encodeInt 0 == [F]
encodeInt 5 == [T,F,T]
encode TInt 331 == [T,F,T,F,F,T,F,T,T]
encode TInt 333 == [T,F,T,F,F,T,T,F,T]
-- Note: paper shows [T,F,T,...,F,F,F] for this

encode TInt 1 == [T]
encode TInt 2 == [T,F]
encode TInt 3 == [T,T]

    encode TInt 1 ++      encode TInt 2 ++       encode TInt 3         == [  T,  T,F,  T,T]
T : encode TInt 1 ++ (T : encode TInt 2) ++ (T : encode TInt 3) ++ [F] == [T,T,T,T,F,T,T,T,F]
encode (TList TInt) [1,2,3]                                            == [T,T,T,T,F,T,T,T,F]
-- Note: paper shows [T,T,F,...,F,F,F]

Universal Data Type : Organize around single universal type (e.g., APL/real number arrays; SNOBOL/strings; LISP/lists; fun prog/exprs, Object/Java - except unboxed primitives).

Pair representation type with value (requires ExistentialQuantification) (p. 13):

data Dynamic' = forall t. Dyn' (Type t) t

Previous defines existential data type: way of “squashing” a group of types into one, single type (in Haskell).

Can also be represented as GADT:

data Dynamic where
    Dyn :: Type t -> t -> Dynamic

encode' :: Dynamic -> [Bit]
encode' (Dyn t v) = encode t v

let c = Dyn (TList TInt) [1,2,3]
:t c
-- c :: Dynamic
encode' c == encode (TList TInt) [1,2,3]
encode' c == [T,T,T,T,F,T,T,T,F]

Define heterogeneous lists (p. 14):

let d = [Dyn TInt 10, Dyn tString "test"]
:t d
--      [Dyn TInt 10, Dyn tString "test"] :: [Dynamic]
-- (Note: paper had : Dyn TString "test")

But cannot make this list Dynamic.


  • extend representation, adding value constructor (done above in data Type t).

  • add to patterns of encode functions (done above in encode TDyn).


let e = Dyn (TList TDyn) d
:t e
-- e :: Dynamic
encode' e == [T,T,F,T,F,T,T,T,T,T,F,T,F,F,T,T,T,F,F,T,F,T,T,T,T,T,F,F,T,T,T,T,T,T,F,T,F,F,F,F]

Dynamic data type is useful for communication with env when type not known in advance. Then a type cast is required (p. 14):

castInt :: Dynamic -> Maybe Int
castInt (Dyn TInt i) = Just i
castInt (Dyn _    _) = Nothing

More generic solution that works for all types referenced (but not shown) in paper.


  • PRO: generic programming possible

  • CON: must extend representation type whenever define new data type

Proving Correctness of List Operations (p. 15)

Types can ensure only a non-empty List is passed to head. Types can encode other properties: e.g., non-empty lists; lists of certain length.

-- ADT:
-- data List t = Nil | Cons t (List t)

-- GADT:
data List t where
    Nil  ::                List t
    Cons :: t -> List t -> List t

listHead :: List t -> t
listHead (Cons a _) = a
listHead Nil        = error "empty list"

Encode empty/non-empty list in type

To ensure no failure, define non-empty lists:

data Empty
data NonEmpty

-- param f is Empty when list is empty, NonEmpty otherwise
data SafeList' t f where
    Nil'  ::                       SafeList' t Empty
    Cons' :: t -> SafeList' t f -> SafeList' t NonEmpty

-- head that can ONLY take non-empty lists (p. 16):
headSafe' :: SafeList' t NonEmpty -> t
headSafe' (Cons' t _) = t

headSafe' Nil'
--    Couldn't match type `Empty' with `NonEmpty'
--    Expected type: SafeList' t0 NonEmpty
--      Actual type: SafeList' t0 Empty
let hs = Cons' 1 $ Cons' 2 $ Cons' 3 Nil'
:t hs
hs :: SafeList' Integer NonEmpty
headSafe' hs
-- 1


repeatElem' :: a -> Int -> SafeList' a ???
repeatElem' a 0 = Nil'
repeatElem' a n = Cons' a (repeatElem a (n-1))

Cannot determine return type because Empty / NonEmpty lists have completely different types.

FIX: relax Cons’ value constructor:

data SafeList'' t f where
    Nil''  ::                        SafeList'' t Empty
    Cons'' :: t -> SafeList'' t f -> SafeList'' t f'     -- note f'

Now SafeList t Empty is a type of possibly empty lists:

:t Nil''
-- Nil'' :: SafeList'' t Empty
:t Cons'' 'a' Nil''
-- Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char f'
:t Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char Empty
-- Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char Empty    :: SafeList'' Char Empty
:t Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char NonEmpty
-- Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char NonEmpty :: SafeList'' Char NonEmpty

Now can define (p. 17):

repeatElem'' :: a -> Int -> SafeList'' a Empty
repeatElem'' a 0 = Nil''
repeatElem'' a n = Cons'' a (repeatElem'' a (n-1))

-- note: cannot Show it
let a = repeatElem'' 'c' 3
:t a
-- a :: SafeList'' Char Empty

PROBLEM: anything can slip through f’:

:t Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char Bool
-- Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char Bool :: SafeList'' Char Bool

:t Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char Int
-- Cons'' 'a' Nil'' :: SafeList'' Char Int :: SafeList'' Char Int

FIX: give Empty / NonEmpty same kind. Discussed later for Nat.

Encode list length in type

Stronger invariant: list length (p. 17):

Note: Empty / NonEmpty not enough. Need to encode length in type.

(Requires DataKinds.)

-- Peano numbers
data Zero'''
data Succ''' n

data List''' a n where
    Nil'''  ::                     List''' a Zero'''
    Cons''' :: a -> List''' a n -> List''' a (Succ''' n)

headSafe''' :: List''' t (Succ''' n) -> t
headSafe''' (Cons''' t _) = t

-- type encode that map does not change length
mapSafe''' :: (a -> b) -> List''' a n -> List''' b n
mapSafe''' _         Nil''' = Nil'''
mapSafe''' f (Cons''' x xs) = Cons''' (f x) (mapSafe''' f xs)

let hs = headSafe''' $ Cons''' 1 $ Cons''' 2 $ Nil'''
:t hs
-- hs :: Integer

let ms = mapSafe''' (\x -> x + 1) $ Cons''' 1 $ Cons''' 2 $ Nil'''
:t ms
-- ms :: List''' Integer (Succ''' (Succ''' Zero'''))

To implement concatenation need type-level Peano addition.

  • One way: type families (here understood as type-level function)

  • Requires TypeFamilies

  • p. 18


type family Plus''' a b
type instance Plus''' Zero'''     n = n
type instance Plus''' (Succ''' m) n = Succ''' (Plus''' m n)

concatenate''' :: List''' a m -> List''' a n -> List''' a (Plus''' m n)
concatenate''' Nil''' ys = ys
concatenate''' (Cons''' x xs) ys = Cons''' x (concatenate''' xs ys)


let c = concatenate''' (Cons''' 1 $ Cons''' 2 $ Nil''') (Cons''' 3 $ Cons''' 4 $ Nil''')
:t c
-- c :: List''' Integer (Succ''' (Succ''' (Succ''' (Succ''' Zero'''))))

PROBLEM: Succ has a type parameter of kind *.

  • allows nonsense: Succ Int

FIX: Types classify values. Kinds classify types. So declare a new kind:

  • Nat‘is a type, Zero’ / Succ’ are value constructors.

  • But, due to promotion, Nat‘also a kind; Zero’ / Succ’ also types.

  • Sometimes necessary to prepend quote (e.g., ‘Succ’) to refer to type (not value constructor)


data Nat'''' = Zero'''' | Succ'''' Nat''''


-- Type-level representation of number two (although prepended quote not necessary here):
type    Two = 'Succ'''' ('Succ'''' 'Zero'''')
:i Two
-- type Two = 'Succ'''' ('Succ'''' 'Zero'''')

Now Succ Int will be rejected.

Specify type of second parameter has kind Nat (p. 19):

data List'''' a (n::Nat'''') where
    Nil''''  ::                      List'''' a 'Zero''''
    Cons'''' :: a -> List'''' a n -> List'''' a ('Succ'''' n)

PROBLEM: But can’t write return type for:

repeatElem'''' :: a -> Int -> List'''' ????

Need count both a runtime and type-check time.

FIX: singleton types (types with only one value other than bottom):

data NatSing (n::Nat'''') where
    ZeroSing ::              NatSing 'Zero''''
    SuccSing :: NatSing n -> NatSing ('Succ'''' n)

NatSing constructors mirror Nat‘’’’ constructors. Thus every TYPE of kind Nat corresponds to exactly one VALUE of the singleton data type where parameter n has exactly this type.

:t ZeroSing
-- ZeroSing :: NatSing 'Zero''''

:t SuccSing $ SuccSing ZeroSing
-- SuccSing $ SuccSing ZeroSing :: NatSing ('Succ'''' ('Succ'''' 'Zero''''))

Can now define:

repeatElem'''' :: a -> NatSing n -> List'''' a n
repeatElem'''' _ ZeroSing     = Nil''''
repeatElem'''' x (SuccSing n) = Cons'''' x (repeatElem'''' x n)  -- note: subtraction done by structural induction

let re = repeatElem'''' 'C' (SuccSing $ SuccSing ZeroSing)
:t re
-- re :: List'''' Char ('Succ'''' ('Succ'''' 'Zero''''))

Encode length comparison in type

Example: do not exceed list length

Requires TypeOperators

Requires type-level magnitude comparison function (defined by structural induction):

type family   (m::Nat'''')  :< (n::Nat'''') :: Bool
type instance  m            :< 'Zero''''     = 'False
type instance 'Zero''''     :< ('Succ'''' n) = 'True
type instance ('Succ'''' m) :< ('Succ'''' n) = m :< n
  • given

    • list of length m

    • index n

  • ensure n :< m

  • note: ~ is equality constraint


nthElem'''' :: (n :< m) ~ 'True => List'''' a m -> NatSing n -> a
nthElem'''' (Cons'''' x  _) ZeroSing     = x
nthElem'''' (Cons'''' _ xs) (SuccSing n) = nthElem'''' xs n


let ne = nthElem'''' (repeatElem'''' 'C' (SuccSing $ SuccSing ZeroSing)) (SuccSing $ SuccSing ZeroSing)
--    Couldn't match type 'False with 'True
--    Expected type: 'True
--      Actual type: 'Succ'''' ('Succ'''' 'Zero'''')
--                   :< 'Succ'''' ('Succ'''' 'Zero'''')

let ne = nthElem'''' (repeatElem'''' 'C' (SuccSing $ SuccSing ZeroSing))            (SuccSing ZeroSing)
:t ne
-- ne :: Char


  • Used GADTs to specify correctness of list operations verified by type-checker.

  • Specified necessary properties in the data type.

  • Set of properties motivated by the actual operations to be performed.

  • head : only needed Empty / NonEmpty

  • Other operations need count of elements it contains.

Proving Correctness of Red-Black Tree Insert (p. 21)


data Color   = R | B deriving (Eq, Show)
data Node' a = E' | N' Color (Node' a) a (Node' a)
type Tree' a = Node' a

For any node N c l x r, values less than x are stored in l, otherwise r:

member' :: Ord a => a -> Tree' a -> Bool
member' _ E' = False
member' x (N' _ l a r)
    | x < a = member' x l
    | x > a = member' x r
    | otherwise = True

Invariants (guarantee tree is balanced) (p. 22)

  • ensure longest path from root

    • containing alternating red-black nodes)
  • can only be twice as long as the shortest path

    • containing only red nodes.

Ensure operations take O (log n ) time, (where n is number of elements) in worst case.

  1. Root is black.

  2. Leafs are black.

  3. Red nodes have black children.

  4. Black Height: For each node, all paths from that node to leaf contain same number of black nodes.


insert' :: Ord a => Tree' a -> a -> Tree' a
insert' t v = blacken (insert'' t v) where
    insert'' n@(N' c l a r) x
        | x < a = leftBalance'  (N' c (insert'' l x) a           r)
        | x > a = rightBalance' (N' c           l    a (insert'' r x))
        | otherwise = n
    insert''    E'     x    = N' R E' x E'
    blacken    (N' _ l x r) = N' B l  x r

Same recursive descent to leaf nodes as binary search trees, except ensuring invariants:

  • 4: red node inserted

  • 1: blacken root

  • 3: leftBalance / rightBalance


leftBalance' :: Node' a -> Node' a
leftBalance' (N' B (N' R (N' R a x       b) y       c)  z d) =
              N' R (N' B       a x       b) y (N' B c   z d)
leftBalance' (N' B (N' R       a x (N' R b  y       c)) z d) =
              N' R (N' B       a x       b) y (N' B c   z d)
leftBalance' n = n

rightBalance' :: Node' a -> Node' a
rightBalance' (N' B       a x (N' R       b  y (N' R c  z d))) =
               N' R (N' B a x             b) y (N' B c  z d)
rightBalance' (N' B       a x (N' R (N' R b  y       c) z d))  =
               N' R (N' B a x             b) y (N' B c  z d)

Proving 4th invariant maintained by insert (p. 23)

Add black height:

data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq, Show)

data Node a (bh::Nat) where
    -- leaf has bh 0
    E :: Node a 'Zero
    -- bh must be conditionally incremented based on color
    N :: Color -> Node a bh -> a -> Node a bh -> Node a ???

Increment done via type family (requires TypeFamilies, DataKinds) (p. 24):

type family IncBH (c::Color) (bh::Nat) :: Nat
type instance IncBH R bh =      bh
type instance IncBH B bh = Succ bh

Requires color to be passed as type (for IncBH) and as a value (for Node value constructor). Use singleton type as bridge:

data ColorSingleton (c::Color) where
    SR :: ColorSingleton R
    SB :: ColorSingleton B

instance Show (ColorSingleton c) where
    show SR = "R"
    show SB = "B"

Value of singleton type passed to Node value constructor and color type used for IncBH:

data Node4 a (bh::Nat) where
    E4 :: Node4 a 'Zero
    N4 :: ColorSingleton c -> Node4 a bh -> a -> Node4 a bh
                           -> Node4 a (IncBH c bh)

In Haskell, when creating a new type, every type variable on right-hand side of definition must also appear on left-hand side. Therefore (p. 24):

PROBLEM: cannot write:

type Tree4 a = Node4 a bh

FIX 1: use /existential types/ (requires =RankNTypes=):

type Tree4 a = forall bh. Node4 a bh


data Tree4 a where
    Root4 :: Node4 a bh -> Tree4 a

insert same as above except type annotations (p. 36):

insert4 :: Ord a => Tree4 a -> a -> Tree4 a
insert4 (Root4 t) v = blacken (insert' t v) where
    insert' :: Ord a => Node4 a n -> a -> Node4 a n
    insert' n@(N4 c l a r) x
        | x < a = leftBalance4  (N4 c (insert' l x) a          r)
        | x > a = rightBalance4 (N4 c          l    a (insert' r x))
        | otherwise = n
    insert'    E4     x    =        N4 SR E4 x E4
    blacken   (N4 _ l x r) = Root4 (N4 SB l x r)

leftBalance4  :: Node4 a bh -> Node4 a bh
leftBalance4  (N4 SB (N4 SR (N4 SR a x       b) y        c)  z d) =
               N4 SR (N4 SB       a x        b) y (N4 SB c   z d)
leftBalance4  (N4 SB (N4 SR       a x (N4 SR b  y        c)) z d) =
               N4 SR (N4 SB       a x        b) y (N4 SB c   z d)
leftBalance4 n = n

rightBalance4 :: Node4 a bh -> Node4 a bh
rightBalance4 (N4 SB        a x (N4 SR        b  y (N4 SR c  z d))) =
               N4 SR (N4 SB a x               b) y (N4 SB c  z d)
rightBalance4 (N4 SB        a x (N4 SR (N4 SR b  y        c) z d))  =
               N4 SR (N4 SB a x               b) y (N4 SB c  z d)

Proving 3rd invariant maintained by insert (p. 25)

Valid colors for a node on type level. Can be done via type families (as above) or type classes (here) (requires MultiParamTypeClasses):

class ValidColors (parent::Color) (child1::Color) (child2::Color)

Functions not needed on ValidColors, just valid instance (requires FlexibleInstances):

instance ValidColors R B  B  -- red with only black children
instance ValidColors B lc rc -- black with children of any color

Add color type as param to Node and restrict to ValidColors (also ensures 2nd invariant):

data Node a (bh::Nat) (c::Color) where
    E :: Node a 'Zero B
    N :: ValidColors c lc rc => ColorSingleton c
           -> Node a bh lc -> a -> Node a bh rc
              -> Node a (IncBH c bh) c

instance Show a => Show (Node a b c) where
    show  E          = "eb"
    show (N c l x r) = "(N"
                         ++ " " ++ (show c)
                         ++ " " ++ (show l)
                         ++ " " ++ (show x)
                         ++ " " ++ (show r)
                         ++ ")"

Root of Tree is black (1st invariant):

data Tree a where
    Root :: Node a bh B -> Tree a

instance Show a => Show (Tree a) where
    show (Root t) = "(Root " ++ show t ++")"

Insert can temporarily invalidate 3rd invariant. So cannot use Tree. Instead a Node with color restrictions:

data IntNode a (n::Nat) where
    IntNode :: ColorSingleton c
                 -> Node a n c1 -> a -> Node a n c2
                    -> IntNode a (IncBH c n)

Update type of insert functions (p. 26/38):

insert :: Ord a => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
insert (Root t) v = blacken (insert' t v) where
    insert' :: Ord a => Node a n c -> a -> IntNode a n
    insert'     n@(N c l a r) x
        | x < a = leftBalance  c (insert' l x) a          r    `debug` "i<"
        | x > a = rightBalance c          l    a (insert' r x) `debug` "i>"
        | otherwise = IntNode  c          l    a          r    `debug` "i="
    insert'        E          x =
                      IntNode  SR         E    x          E    `debug` "iE"
    blacken (IntNode _ l x r) =
                      Root  (N SB         l    x          r)   `debug` "blacken"

Before, passed whole Node as param. But 3rd invariant can be temporarily violated. So explicitly pass params of Node and left child using IntNode:

leftBalance :: ColorSingleton c
               -> IntNode a n -> a -> Node a n c'
                  -> IntNode a (IncBH c n)
-- 1:
leftBalance         SB (IntNode SR (N SR a              x       b) y       c)   z d =
            IntNode SR (N       SB       a              x       b) y (N SB c    z d)    `debug` "lb1"
-- 2:
leftBalance         SB (IntNode SR       a              x (N SR b  y       c))  z d =
            IntNode SR (N       SB       a              x       b) y (N SB c    z d)    `debug` "lb2"
-- 3:
-- tree balanced, but need to change type from IntNode to Node:
leftBalance         c  (IntNode SB       a              x       b)              z d =
            IntNode c  (N       SB       a              x       b)              z d     `debug` "lb3"
-- 4:
-- red nodes must have black children
leftBalance         c  (IntNode SR       a@(N SB _ _ _) x       b@(N SB _ _ _)) z d =
            IntNode c  (N       SR       a              x       b)              z d     `debug` "lb4"
-- 5:
-- red nodes must have black children
leftBalance         c  (IntNode SR       E              x          E)           z d =
            IntNode c  (N       SR       E              x          E)           z d     `debug` "lb5"

-- cannot happen, but not enough type info to omit:
leftBalance         _  (IntNode SR        (N SR _ _ _)  _          _)           _ _ =
                error "cannot happen"
leftBalance         _  (IntNode SR      _               _         (N SR _ _ _)) _ _ =
                error "cannot happen"

-- The case of one regular node and one leaf node is not valid,
-- because nodes have different black heights
-- so no need to look for that case.

p. 38

rightBalance :: ColorSingleton c
               -> Node a n c' -> a -> IntNode a n
                  -> IntNode a (IncBH c n)
-- 1:
rightBalance               SB a x (IntNode SR       b              y (N SR c  z d)) =
             IntNode SR (N SB a x                   b)             y (N SB c  z d)    `debug` "rb1"
-- 2:
rightBalance               SB a x (IntNode SR (N SR b              y       c) z d)  =
             IntNode SR (N SB a x                   b)             y (N SB c  z d)    `debug` "rb2"
-- 3:
rightBalance         c        a x (IntNode SB       b              y            d)  =
             IntNode c        a x (N       SB       b              y            d)    `debug` "rb3"
-- 4:
rightBalance         c        a x (IntNode SR       b@(N SB _ _ _) y            d@(N SB _ _ _)) =
             IntNode c        a x (N       SR       b              y            d)    `debug` "rb4"
-- 5:
rightBalance         c        a x (IntNode SR  E                   y  E)            =
             IntNode c        a x (N       SR  E                   y  E)              `debug` "rb5"

rightBalance _                _ _ (IntNode SR (N SR _ _ _)         _  _)            =
             error "cannot happen"
rightBalance _                _ _ (IntNode SR _                    _ (N SR _ _ _))  =
             error "cannot happen"

Red-Black Trees in Action

member :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Bool
member x (Root t) = mem x t where
    mem :: Ord a => a -> Node a bh c -> Bool
    mem x E = False
    mem x (N _ l y r)
        | x < y     = mem x l
        | x > y     = mem x r
        | otherwise = True

elements :: Ord a => Tree a -> [a]
elements (Root t) = aux t [] where
    aux :: Ord a => Node a bh c -> [a] -> [a]
    aux E xs = xs
    aux (N _ l y r) xs = aux l (y : aux r xs)

member 100 $                         insert (Root E) 100
member   0 $                 insert (insert (Root E) 100) 101
member 100 $         insert (insert (insert (Root E) 100) 101) 1
member   0 $ insert (insert (insert (insert (Root E) 100) 101) 1) 0
elements   $ insert (insert (insert (insert (Root E) 100) 101) 1) 0
-- [0,1,100,101]


In progress …

let root  = (Root E)

(Root eb)

let one   = insert root   4

(Root (N B eb 4 eb))

let two   = insert one    7

(Root (N B eb 4 (N R eb 7 eb)))

let three = insert two   12

(Root (N B (N B eb 4 eb) 7 (N B eb 12 eb)))

let four  = insert three 15

let five  = insert four   3

let six   = insert five   5

let seven = insert six   14

let eight = insert seven 18

let nine  = insert eight 16

let ten   = insert nine  17

Red-Black Tree proofs in Agda and Coq

table of contents (non-functional)

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