
concrete monads 1 : Maybe, Either, list, IO

Last Modified : 2017 Apr 24 (Mon) 12:59:38 by Harold Carr.

This post is part of a series of posts on monads.

initial intuition

  • A Monad is used to pipe the output of one function into another.

  • A monadic “pipe” has code that executes “behind the scenes” (in a Monad typeclass) rather than being embedded in the main lines of a program.

    • This “extra” code is sometimes called “monadic context”.
  • Monadic values are sometimes referred to “computations” or “actions”.

  • Sometimes a Monad can be viewed as a “container” (e.g., Maybe, Either, a list).

monads and side-effects

  • A Monad has nothing to do with “real” side-effects (e.g., reading/writing a file).

  • A monadic type is often used to simulate side-effects in a purely functional way, aka “effectful”.

    • This “effectful” aspect is not shown here in part 1. It is discussed in part 2.
  • Particular monads, IO and some others, do “real” side-effects. The monadic part of IO is used for ordering, not the side-effects themselves.


import Data.Char
import Data.Either
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import System.IO

unit test

Rather than showing GHCI input/output this article shows test input/expected results (see verified articles):

import Test.HUnit
import Test.HUnit.Util -- https://github.com/haroldcarr/test-hunit-util
import System.IO.Unsafe -- for one unit test


Maybe is used for functions that might return no results (i.e., to turn partial functions into total functions):

:i Maybe
=> data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

For example, a hash table would return Just <something> if the key is found, otherwise Nothing.

The Nothing and Just parts of the Maybe type definition have nothing to do with monads.

A common pattern is to check Maybe results:

maybeExampleNonMonadic :: Maybe t -> (t -> Maybe a) -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
maybeExampleNonMonadic i f1 f2 =
    case i of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just x  -> case f1 x of
                       Nothing -> Nothing
                       Just y  -> Just $ f2 y

If any result in the pipeline is Nothing then stop at that point and return Nothing. Otherwise, extract the value from Just and pass it to the next function.

In this example, the last function (f2) does not return Maybe. But the the result of maybeExampleNonMonadic is Maybe, so the result of f2 is “wrapped” with Just.

toNothing :: t -> Maybe a
toNothing    _ =  Nothing

nonMonadicDouble :: Num a => a -> a
nonMonadicDouble x = x + x

tm1 = tt "tm1"
     [ maybeExampleNonMonadic Nothing  Just      nonMonadicDouble -- 1
     , maybeExampleNonMonadic (Just 3) toNothing nonMonadicDouble -- 2

In tm1

  • 1: the result is immediately Nothing if the first argument is Nothing. Or,

  • 2: if the first argument is (Just 3) but f1 (here toNothing) returns Nothing then Nothing is returned at that step (and nonMonadicDouble is never called).


tm2 = t "tm2"
     (maybeExampleNonMonadic (Just 3) Just      nonMonadicDouble)
     (Just 6)

In tm2 the result is (Just 6) since both the the first argument and the result of f1 are Just values.

Since the pattern in maybeExampleNonMonadic is common, it is abstracted into the monadic aspects of Maybe such that it can be rewritten as:

exampleMonadic :: Monad m => m t -> (t -> m a) -> (a -> b) -> m b
exampleMonadic i f1 f2 =
     i >>= f1 >>= return . f2

What remains is the “important” part: piping “successful” computations from one function to another. The extraction of values from Just, the short-circuiting of Nothing and the sequencing of values is factored into the Maybe Monad instance (shown below).

Note: do notation can be used instead of >>= (note: the type signatures of exampleMonadic and exampleMonadicDo are identical).

exampleMonadicDo :: Monad m => m t -> (t -> m a) -> (a -> b) -> m b
exampleMonadicDo i f1 f2 = do
    x <- i
    y <- f1 x
    return $ f2 y

In the above, return can be thought of as an alias (in this context) for Just (more on return below).

All three version of the example function return equivalent results:

tm3 = tt "tm3"
     [ maybeExampleNonMonadic Nothing  Just      nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadic         Nothing  Just      nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadicDo       Nothing  Just      nonMonadicDouble

tm4 = tt "tm4"
     [ maybeExampleNonMonadic (Just 3) toNothing nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadic         (Just 3) toNothing nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadicDo       (Just 3) toNothing nonMonadicDouble

tm5 = tt "tm5"
     [ maybeExampleNonMonadic (Just 3) Just      nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadic         (Just 3) Just      nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadicDo       (Just 3) Just      nonMonadicDouble
     (Just 6)

>>= (aka “bind”)

The infix Monad >>= function handles sequencing and extraction:


class  Monad m  where
    -- | Sequentially compose two actions, passing any value produced
    -- by the first as an argument to the second.
    (>>=)       :: forall a b. m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

The short-circuiting of the pipeline on Nothing values and the extraction of values from Just and applying a function to those values is done via the >>= definition of the Maybe Monad typeclass instance:


instance  Monad Maybe  where
    (Just x) >>= k      = k x
    Nothing  >>= _      = Nothing

Maybe’s version of >>= is given a Maybe value on the left and a function k on the right.

  • If the left is (Just x) then x is extracted and given as the argument to k.

    • The return value of >>= is the return value of k x.
  • If the left is Nothing then the right function is never called.

    • The return value of >>= is Nothing.

For more on “bind” see:


The Monad return function “wraps” a value with an appropriate Monad:

class  Monad m  where
    -- | Inject a value into the monadic type.
    return      :: a -> m a

In the case of Maybe, return x is Just x:

instance  Monad Maybe  where
    return              = Just

Type-inferencing in the compiler decides which instance of return to use.

Note: in exampleMonadic, Just . f2 could have been used in place of return . f2 — they are the same thing in the Maybe context. However, using return makes the function generic, as will be seen in the following examples of other monads (which is why exampleMonadic is not named maybeExampleMonadic).

example Maybe evaluations

Given the definition:

exampleMonadic :: Monad m => m t -> (t -> m a) -> (a -> b) -> m b
exampleMonadic i f1 f2 =
     i >>= f1 >>= return . f2

and the application:

exampleMonadic         Nothing  Just      nonMonadicDouble
  • Nothing value constructor creates a Maybe t Monad instance

  • Nothing is value of i

  • i is the left argument of the first >>=

  • Since the value is Nothing, f1 is never called and the first >>= returns Nothing

  • Nothing is then the input to the left side of the second >>=

  • Since the value is Nothing, return . f2 is never called and the second >>= returns Nothing

  • Nothing is the result of exampleMonadic

For the application:

exampleMonadic         (Just 3) toNothing nonMonadicDouble
  • Just 3 value constructor creates a Maybe Int Monad instance

  • Just 3 is value of i

  • i is the left argument of the first >>=

  • >>=

    • extracts 3 from Just

    • calls f1 3

      • f1, in this case, is toNothing, so the result of f1 3 is Nothing
  • Nothing is the result of the first >>=

  • This Nothing result is the input to the left side of the second >>=

  • Since the value is Nothing, return . f2 is never called and the second >>= returns Nothing

  • Nothing is the result of exampleMonadic

For the application

exampleMonadic         (Just 3) Just      nonMonadicDouble
  • Just 3 value constructor creates a Maybe Int Monad instance

  • Just 3 is value of i

  • i is the left argument of the first >>=

  • first >>=

    • extracts 3 from Just

    • calls f1 3

      • f1, in this case, is Just, so the result of f1 3 is Just 3
  • Just 3 is the result of the first >>=

  • This Just 3 result is the input to the left side of the second >>=

  • the second >>=

    • extracts 3 from Just

    • calls (return . f2) 3

      • f2, in this case, is nonMonadicDouble, so the result of f2 3 is 6

      • 6 becomes the input to return 6

      • since evaluation is happening in the Maybe Monad instance, return 6 results in Just 6

  • Just 6 is the result of the second >>=

  • Just 6 is the result of exampleMonadic

To see how monadic chaining is useful in long compositions of Maybe, see Real World Haskell chapter 10. Search for parseP5 (version without monadic function composition) and parseP5_take2 (version with monadic composition — but using >>? instead of >>=).


Either is like Maybe, but additional information is given on “failure” instead of Nothing:

:i Either
=> data Either a b = Left a | Right b

Left corresponds to Nothing. Right corresponds to Just.

Either is typically used such that (Right x) signals a successful evaluation, whereas (Left x) signals an error, with x containing information about the error.

The Left and Right parts of the Either type definition have nothing to do with monads.

The pattern of using Either is identical to Maybe except, when short-circuiting on Left, the Left information is retained and returned:

eitherExampleNonMonadic :: Either l t -> (t -> Either l a) -> (a -> b) -> Either l b
eitherExampleNonMonadic i f1 f2 =
    case i of
        Left  l -> Left l
        Right x -> case f1 x of
                       Left  l -> Left l
                       Right y -> return $ f2 y

The Monad instance of Either is also identical to Maybe except for retaining Left information.


instance  Monad (Either e)  where
    Left  l >>= _ = Left l
    Right r >>= k = k r

    return = Right

The evaluation of Either is also identical to Maybe exception for retaining/returning Left information:

-- Note: these are used instead of directly using Left/Right in the
-- tests so as not to have to repeatedly specify types at point of use.
toRight :: Int -> Either Int Int
toRight = Right

toLeft :: Int -> Either Int Int
toLeft  = Left

te1 = tt "te1"
     [ eitherExampleNonMonadic (Left (-1)) toRight nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadic          (Left (-1)) toRight nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadicDo        (Left (-1)) toRight nonMonadicDouble
     (Left (-1))

te2 = tt "te2"
     [ eitherExampleNonMonadic (Right 3)   toLeft  nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadic          (Right 3)   toLeft  nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadicDo        (Right 3)   toLeft  nonMonadicDouble
     (Left 3)

te3 = tt "te3"
     [ eitherExampleNonMonadic (Right 3)   toRight nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadic          (Right 3)   toRight nonMonadicDouble
     , exampleMonadicDo        (Right 3)   toRight nonMonadicDouble
     (Right 6)

Notice how exampleMonadic was able to be used with both Either and Maybe. That is because the appropriate instances of >>= and return are used based on the type.

Note that in a long chain of Either, say the very first value in the chain is Left <something>. In this case, the entire chain of >>= calls would still be evaluated. Each one would extract <something> and then just wrap it back up in a new Left. In other words, there is a slight cost, even in the failure case.

(Note: the Either e in the Monad instance definition is a partially applied type constructor — see http://mvanier.livejournal.com/5103.html for more info — search for “Making an error-handling monad”.)


Just as Maybe and Either may represent none/error (Nothing, Left) or one (Just, Right) results, a list:

:i []
=> data [] a = [] | a : [a]

can be used to represent none ([]) or one or more ([x, ...]) results.

The [] and a : [a] parts of the [] type definition have nothing to do with monads.

The list Monad typeclass instance:


instance  Monad []  where
    m >>= k  = foldr ((++) . k)  [] m

    return x = [x]

shows that the function k is applied to each element of the list m. Each call to k is expected to return zero or more results in a list. The results of all the calls to k are appended into a single list.

A non-monadic list version of the example pipelining function might be:

listExampleNonMonadic :: [t] -> (t -> [a]) -> (a -> b) -> [b]
listExampleNonMonadic i f1 f2 =
    case i of
        [] -> []
        xs -> case concatMap f1 xs of
                  [] -> []
                  ys -> map f2 ys

(Note: listExampleNonMonadic is a bit contrived, as are the examples in the tests below. The idea is to keep the examples consistent between the different Monad class instances.)

Note: Although the above function checks for [] to “short-circuit” further evaluation, it is not really necessary since any function returning [] will operate the same:

listExampleNonMonadic' :: [t] -> (t -> [a]) -> (a -> b) -> [b]
listExampleNonMonadic' i f1 f2 =
    map f2 $ concatMap f1 i

Given the above non-monadic list functions and the existing exampleMonadic functions it can be seen that the list Monad typeclass instance operates like the Maybe and Either instances:

toEmpty :: Int -> [Int]
toEmpty x = [ ]

toList  :: Int -> [Int]
toList  x = [x]

tl1 = tt "tl1"
     [ listExampleNonMonadic   [ ]      toList   id
     , listExampleNonMonadic'  [ ]      toList   id
     , exampleMonadic          [ ]      toList   id
     , exampleMonadicDo        [ ]      toList   id

tl2 = tt "tl2"
     [ listExampleNonMonadic   [1,2,3]  toEmpty  id
     , listExampleNonMonadic'  [1,2,3]  toEmpty  id
     , exampleMonadic          [1,2,3]  toEmpty  id
     , exampleMonadicDo        [1,2,3]  toEmpty  id

tl3 = tt "tl3"
     [ listExampleNonMonadic   [1,2,3]  toList   id
     , listExampleNonMonadic'  [1,2,3]  toList   id
     , exampleMonadic          [1,2,3]  toList   id
     , exampleMonadicDo        [1,2,3]  toList   id

See also:


The monads above were used for

  • sequencing

  • “wrapping”/“unwrapping” values to/from monads

  • in the explicit case of Maybe and Either, to short-circuit further evaluation on Nothing or Left.

    • Explicit short-circuiting was not necessary in the list Monad because there is “nothing to do” on an empty list.

Note: the monads above did not involve side effects.

Notice that the type signatures of all the examples so far are isomorphic:

maybeExampleNonMonadic  ::             Maybe    t  -> (t  -> Maybe     a)  -> (a  -> b) -> Maybe    b
exampleMonadic          ::  Monad m => m        t  -> (t ->  m         a)  -> (a  -> b) -> m        b
exampleMonadicDo        ::  Monad m => m        t  -> (t ->  m         a)  -> (a  -> b) -> m        b
eitherExampleNonMonadic ::             Either l t  -> (t ->  Either l  a)  -> (a  -> b) -> Either l b
listExampleNonMonadic   ::             [        t] -> (t ->  [         a]) -> (a  -> b) -> [        b]

and follow the shape of >>= :

(>>=)                   :: forall a b. m        a  -> (a  -> m         b)               -> m        b


IO uses monadic sequencing (>>=) to ensure that operations happen in a certain order (e.g., writes happen before reads when prompting for user input). Those operations also perform side-effects. The side-effects are part of IO, not part of Monad.

ioExampleMonadic   :: FilePath -> String -> IO Bool
ioExampleMonadic filename output =
    openFile filename WriteMode >>= \o     ->
    hPutStrLn o output          >>= \_     ->
    hClose o                    >>= \_     ->
    openFile filename ReadMode  >>= \i     ->
    hGetLine i                  >>= \input ->
    hClose i                    >>= \_     ->
    return (input == output)

ioExampleMonadicDo :: FilePath -> String -> IO Bool
ioExampleMonadicDo filename output = do
    o <- openFile filename WriteMode
    hPutStrLn o output
    hClose o
    i <- openFile filename ReadMode
    input <- hGetLine i
    hClose i
    return (input == output)

ti1 = tt "ti1"
      [ unsafePerformIO $ ioExampleMonadic   "/tmp/BAR.txt"  "BAR"
      , unsafePerformIO $ ioExampleMonadicDo "/tmp/BAR.txt"  "BAR"

non-monadic tangent: IO is partitioned from pure functions

There is no way to write a non-monadic IO example as was done for other Monad instances above. The type system partitions side-effecting IO computations types from pure functions. Pure functions guarantee the same results for the same inputs. IO does not.

The Maybe, Either and [] monads have functions that allow one to extract values from the monads and pass them down, independent of their Monad:

tx1 = t "tx1"
     ((\x (Right y) -> x + y) (fromJust (Just 3)) (Right 4)) -- passed down, into +

tx1 uses fromJust and pattern matching (to extract from Right) to extract values from Maybe and Either monadic values and pass them down into +. That is fine, even with IO, since it doesn’t matter where values given to + come from, + will always return the same results for same values:

txiodown :: IO Int
txiodown = do
    putStrLn ""
    putStrLn "Enter the number '3':"
    x <- getLine
    putStrLn "Enter the number '4':"
    y <- getLine
    let result = (read x :: Int) + (read y :: Int)
    putStrLn $ "Result: " ++ show result
    return result

txiodown uses side-effects (getLine) to get values. Those values are then extracted from the IO Monad and given to +. After printing the result must be “wrapped” in the IO monad via return. That is because the result of evaluating txiodown involved real side-effects and any values obtained via real side-effects must always carry that fact with them in their type. This makes it easy to determine which parts of a program are purely functional and which involve side-effects. This is important since it can be argued that most bugs arise from entanglements with state and time. The pure part of the code are free from such issues.

It is possible, in general, to extract values from monads:

:t fromJust
=> fromJust :: Maybe a -> a


tx2 = t "tx1"
     (fromJust (Just 7))                                     -- passed up/out

tx2 uses fromJust to extract a value from a Maybe monad and lets that value pass up/out to the unit test framework for comparison with the expected response.

This type of “up/out” extraction is not possible with IO because doing so would break the partitioning of values obtained via side-effects from pure values mentioned above.

Note: It is possible to extract values from IO via:

:t unsafePerformIO
=> unsafePerformIO :: IO a -> a

and it has been used in the unit tests:

tx3 = t "tx2"
     (unsafePerformIO txiodown)

See Simon Peyton Jones Tackling the awkward squad for why unsafePerformIO should rarely be used.

Monad laws

For a typeclass instance to be a Monad it must satisfy the following laws:

left identity

  • return only wraps a value. It does does not change the value and does not do anything else in the Monad. Both left and right (see below) identity enable the compiler to eliminate return calls without changing semantics).


leftIdentity :: (Eq (m b), Monad m) => a -> (a -> m b) -> Bool
leftIdentity a f = (return a >>= f) == f a

tli = tt "tli"
      [ leftIdentity  3  ((\x -> Nothing) :: Int -> Maybe Int)
      , leftIdentity  3   (Just   . (+2))

      , leftIdentity  3  ((Left   . (+2)) :: Int -> Either Int Int)
      , leftIdentity  3  ((Right  . (+2)) :: Int -> Either Int Int)

      , leftIdentity  3   (\x   -> [x*2])
      , leftIdentity  3  ((\x   -> [   ]) :: Int -> [Int])

right identity

  • return only wraps a value. It does does not change the value and does not do anything else in the Monad.


rightIdentity :: (Eq (m b), Monad m) => m b -> Bool
rightIdentity m = (m >>= return) == m

tri = tt "tri"
      [ rightIdentity   (Just  3)
      , rightIdentity   (Nothing  :: Maybe Int)

      , rightIdentity   (Left  3  :: Either Int Int)
      , rightIdentity   (Right 3  :: Either Int Int)

      , rightIdentity   [3]
      , rightIdentity  ([]        :: [Int])


  • Monadic composition is associative. This allows an extra do block to group a sequence of monadic operations. This allows functions that return monadic values to work properly.


associativity :: (Eq (m b), Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m a1) -> (a1 -> m b) -> Bool
associativity m f g = ((m >>= f) >>= g) == (m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g))

tas = tt "tas"
      [ associativity (Just 3)  (\x -> Nothing)  (Just . (*2))
      , associativity (Just 3)  (Just  . (+2))   ((\x -> Nothing) :: Int -> Maybe Int)
      , associativity (Just 3)  (Just  . (+2))    (Just . (*2))

      , associativity (Left 3) ((Left  . (+2)) :: Int -> Either Int Int)
                               ((Left  . (*2)) :: Int -> Either Int Int)

      , associativity (Left 3) ((Right . (+2)) :: Int -> Either Int Int)
                               ((Left  . (*2)) :: Int -> Either Int Int)

      , associativity [3]       (\x  -> [   ])    (\x -> [x*2])
      , associativity [3]       (\x  -> [x+2])   ((\x -> [   ])   :: Int -> [Int])
      , associativity [3]       (\x  -> [x+2])    (\x -> [x*2])


see also

example accuracy

runTests :: IO Counts
runTests =
    runTestTT $ TestList $ tm1 ++ tm2 ++ tm3 ++ tm4 ++ tm5 ++
                           te1 ++ te2 ++ te3 ++
                           tl1 ++ tl2 ++ tl3 ++
                           ti1 ++
                           tx1 ++ tx2 ++ tx3 ++
                           tli ++ tri ++ tas


=> Counts {cases = 58, tried = 58, errors = 0, failures = 0}

summary and next steps

This article showed

  • the mechanics of several monads

  • pointed out that monads have nothing to do with side-effects (although monads are often used to simulate side-effects)

  • distinguished the “real” side-effects part of the IO monad from the monadic part (the part that does sequencing of operations)

  • mentioned the monad laws that a type must satisfy to correctly be a Monad

The 2nd article (TBD) in this series will show monads being used to simulate side-effects in a purely functional way.

The 3rd article (TBD) will show how to combine 2 or more transformers.

source code

The emacs org-mode literate source code of this article is available at:

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